Friday, July 24, 2009

Fill Up On Fiber

Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Well, most Americans are not. Nutrition recommendations say that adults need a minimum of 20-35 grams of fiber per day, however most Americans are only getting around 15 grams. I love my bowl of oatmeal and fruit in the morning to help jump start my fiber intake— 8-10 grams to start! If you are lacking fiber in your diet, you are missing out. Fiber plays an important role in your diet.
Fiber helps prevent:

  • Cancer: Research shows people are less likely to develop certain types of cancer by eating a diet high- fiber diet.

  • Diabetes: Fiber helps control blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.

  • Digestive problems: Fiber can help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

  • Heart disease: Fiber lowers your cholesterol to aid in the prevention of heart disease.

  • Weight control: Fiber tends to make you feel full faster, so you will feel full with less.

Eating enough fiber is not as hard as it seems. You can get all the fiber you need from foods. Adding more fiber to your diet can be simple.

Here are some ways to help:

  • Eat more vegetables whenever possible — serve them raw, and eat the skin rather than peeling it off.

  • Consume whole fruits rather than juice.

  • Add fruits to salads, cereal, yogurt, salsas or as a topping for any dessert.

  • Read the label when buying cereal and choose those that provide at least two grams of fiber per serving.

  • Try the rich, nutty flavor of short-grain brown rice (four grams of fiber per cup).

  • Switch to whole grains. Eat breads, cereals, and pastas that are made from whole grains.

  • Eat dry beans. They are among the best fiber sources around.

  • Drink plenty of water to help fiber do its job.

Give some of these tips a try to help reach your fiber goal!

If you asked any of my family or friends what I enjoy, the answer would be food. I enjoy every aspect of food. I love cooking, eating, and even grocery shopping. I also love staying active and being outdoors in beautiful San Diego--whether it is hiking, biking, or kayaking, I love it all! As a senior dietetics student at Point Loma Nazarene University, I am anxious and excited to start my career as a dietitian!

Sarah Franz

1 comment:

Patti's Artful Design said...

Great blog posting! I look forward to more nutritional guidance!