Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is that my fork or yours? Tablesetting skills

My very first chore growing up revolved around setting the dinner table. My parents had a strong belief that everyone should sit down to a dinner table for a family meal. This meal meant no phone calls, no towels on the head, no television, and having manners. I couldn't begin to thank them for the values that they instilled in me and my sisters. To this day I still use cloth napkins, and enjoy setting my table for those I love. These values are something I hold true in my home, and enjoy sharing with my friends and all of you!
Have you ever struggled with a tablesetting? It is a fabulous skill to have tucked away in your recipe box awaiting that special meal or party. Just so you know the fork goes on the left, then plate, then knife, then spoon, and if you are having dessert you can place a fork or spoon above the plate. If you clap your hands together and make a "b" with your left hand and a "d" with your right hand you will now be able to know where the BREAD plate goes and the Drink (B & D). Here is a picture to help you remember how to set a table:

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